The Complete Travel & Expense Solution
Simple and seamless travel booking experience across
channels for travelers. Cost controls and compliance built-in.
The Complete Travel & Expense Solution
Simple and seamless travel booking experience across channels for travelers. Cost controls and compliance built-in.
Choose convenience
at best prices
Single place for multiple Inventory for best cost and compliance
Book smarter and
save every penny
Next-generation booking technology with robust reporting and analytics
Save time with easy
travel booking
Seamless connectivity between mobile and desktop for easy management of receipts and itinerary
No more sweating with
breezy expense filing
Take a picture of your receipt and Traform automatically creates an expense item for you in just one click!
Never miss on any
Manage all your receipts and credit card transactions in Traform’s expense gallery.We make sure that you don’t miss filing any expense made.
Increase your savings by
auto reconciliation
Traform automatically reconciles expenses with live feeds of credit card statements and automatically attaches to expense reports to avoid any hassle.
Ask Travo, your personal travel assistant on mobile
Get all your upcoming travel or expense related answers on the fly. A conversational interface curated to provide a hassle free experience.
You name it we’ve got it
Traform directly integrates with some of your favorite software. Traform has direct, self-serve integrations with your favorite softwares.

Suited for any travel and expense need
Effortless travel booking with
convinient options to choose from
Never miss on any approval requests
and insightful budget planning
Travel Desk
Achieve complete travel compliance
and on time service fulfillment
Finance & Billing
Save costs by limiting unwanted
expenses and timely disbursements
Why businesses choose Traform?
Multiple services support for domestic and international travel
Analytics and insights of travel pattern and cost analysis
Online and offline booking workflows with policy enforcement
Expenses Integrated with Travel Management or stand-alone module
Auto expense report based on period detection eliminating manual report creation
Disbursement via ACH for cash advance & expense claims
Multiple services support for domestic and international travel
Analytics and insights of travel pattern and cost analysis
Online and offline booking workflows with policy enforcement
Expenses Integrated with Travel Management or stand-alone module
Auto expense report based on period detection eliminating manual report creation
Disbursement via ACH for cash advance & expense claims
Our data speaks for us